The members of Bhartiya Kisan Union on Tuesday threatened to take a six-month holiday every year for 10 years from framing if the government fails to take note of the hardship faced by farmers over rising prices and acquisition of farm land for commercial activity. Rakesh Tikait of Uttar Pradesh said with increasing input costs, farmers were finding it difficult to cultivate round the year. “If the government does not pay...
Every eighth urban child in India lives in slum: report by Vinaya Deshpande
Every eighth urban child in India in the age-group of 0-6 years stays in slums, according to ‘Slums in India – A statistical compendium 2011' published by the Union government. “... about 7.6 million children are living in slums in India and they constitute 13.1 per cent of the total child population of the urban areas of the 26 States/ Union Territories reporting slums,” the report compiled by the National Buildings...
More »Judiciary on the wrong side of RTI by Ashish Tripathi
Resistance to disclosure is a phenomenon that is confined not only to the executive. here have been instances where the judiciary has also shown that much of intransigence to the Right to Information Act. It is no wonder that the Chief Justice of India S H Kapadia once said at a function that sunlight is a great disinfectant, but too much of it can burn one as well. Interestingly, in June...
More »From Tirupati to Pashupati? by Jairam Ramesh
The media imagery of a “liberated” Red corridor extending from Andhra Pradesh, cutting across the heart of India, all the way to Nepal is the most vivid representation of the threat that Maoists pose to our country. The Prime Minister describes the Maoists as India's most serious internal security challenge and the Home Minister rates it as a “problem graver than terrorism.” In search of an effective response, official committees have,...
More »Cash-for-coverage scandal takes the fizz out of Advani's yatra by Mahim Pratap Singh
Envelopes with cash distributed at BJP press meet A cash-for-coverage scandal has taken the fizz out of Bharatiya Janata Party leader L.K.Advani's ambitious Jan Chetna Yatra against corruption and black money with the BJP leaders in Madhya Pradesh “attempting to bribe” journalists for favourable coverage of the yatra. Envelopes containing currency notes worth Rs. 500-1,000 were handed out to journalists during a press conference called by local BJP MP Ganesh Singh at...
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