Total Matching Records found : 4416

Unsatisfactory decline in child mortality: SRS 2012

The more things change, the more they remain the same. Probably, this can be said about the ‘Sample Registration System Statistical Report 2012', which carries the latest figures on the social sector by far. The report has provided some interesting trends in child mortality indicators for India and its bigger states during 2012 (see the links below). It says that states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, which have consistently...

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‘3.3% of women in South Asia face non-partner sexual violence’ -Rukmini S

-The Hindu Just over 7% of women globally and 3% in South Asia have experienced sexual violence at the hands of a non-partner, a new global study finds. Both globally and in South Asia alone, rape by an intimate partner or member of the household is far more common than that by a stranger, the researchers found. In a study published in the medical journal, The Lancet, and released early Wednesday morning,...

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Delhi's water supply-Going, going, gone? -Asit K Biswas & Cecilia Tortajada

-The Business Standard Providing clean water to Delhi is no rocket science. What is missing is some political will and competent leadership In the early 1950s, the quality of urban water services in Delhi was similar to the best of other major urban centres of Asia. In fact, in 1950, shortly after the second World War, water provisioning in Delhi was better than Tokyo or Osaka. At that time, Tokyo was...

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Decline in Rates of Maternal and Infant Mortality

-Press Information Bureau (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) As per the Sample Registration System (SRS), Registrar General of India (RGI-SRS), Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) has shown a decline from 212 per 100,000 live births in the period 2007-09 to 178 per 100,000 live births in the period 2010- 12 and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) has declined from 47 per 1000 live births in the year 2010 to 42 per 1000...

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JNU mulls harass studies -Basant Kumar Mohanty

-The Telegraph New Delhi: Every JNU student may have to study a compulsory paper aimed at "sensitising" them to sexual harassment and any form of discrimination if the university accepts a suggestion an expert panel plans to push. If the university, which had set up the committee after a student was brutally attacked by her classmate last year, does make such a course compulsory, it would be the first time any...

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