A resident of Yavatmal in Maharashtra is asked to give proof of birth for three generations in his family for him to get access to land under the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers Recognition of Forest Rights Act (FRA) 2006. But for the people in these areas who cannot read or write, ‘proof' has little meaning. Such lacunae in the Act came up for discussion at a public...
Grounds for concern
The Planning Commission, in a letter to the Punjab government, has expressed “serious concern” about the “rapidly deteriorating situation regarding groundwater” in Punjab, and asked the state to reconsider its policy of free power to farmers, which “is contributing to over drawal” of groundwater. These are unquestionably questions we should be asking. Of course, these questions are embedded in a larger set of issues — the unreformed nature of electricity...
More »Identity enumeration and statistical systems by Sukhadeo Thorat
The system of statistical data collection in India needs reform in order to meet actual requirements. * There is a concern that caste-tribe-religion wise data may cause them to be used for political ends * Another concern is that they may consolidate rather than reduce consciousness around identity in terms of caste and religion * These fears are not borne out by experience; if anything, the experience is to the contrary The use...
More »Ban urges end to ‘scandal’ of pregnancy-related deaths
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called for concerted efforts to end what he described as the “scandal” of women dying in childbirth, saying even simple clinical procedures such as clean delivery rooms and the presence of a trained midwife could greatly reduce pregnancy-related deaths. “Some simple blood tests, consultation with a doctor and qualified help at the birth itself can make a huge difference,” Mr. Ban said in an address to an...
More »Contribution to Reduction of GHG Emissions by Grassroots Struggles by Bharat Dogra
In India (and elsewhere) we have several people’s struggles which are protesting against displacement and trying to protect their sustainable life-styles and livelihoods based on farmlands, pastures and forests, rivers and coastal areas. These struggles involve farmers, forest-produce gatherers (tribals particularly), pastoral people, fisherfolk and others with related livelihoods. These traditional livelihoods have been passed on from generation to generation, but are now increasingly threatened on a scale never seen...
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