Chief Justice of India SH Kapadia has asked the government to take "appropriate action" against at least 20 members of the country's top income tax tribunal who are on the CBI's radar for having allegedly 'outsourced' writing of judgments to private parties. Justice Kapadia is understood to have conveyed his displeasure to law minister Salman Khurshid over inaction on the issue since 2008, HT has learnt. Khurshid met the CJI earlier...
Licence-permit web
-The Business Standard The same week that Wikipedia and several other highly trafficked websites went dark to protest legislation in the United States that would severely curtail their operations, the Delhi High Court was hearing an attempt by the Indian government to take on 21 social networking sites (owned by 10 overseas companies) for “promoting enmity between classes, causing prejudice to national integration and insulting religion or religious belief of any...
More »Sword over 78 lakh trees for Tipaimukh by Roopak Goswami
Seventy-eight lakh trees will be chopped as part of the forest clearance process for the 1,500MW Tipaimukh hydroelectric project in Manipur, an exercise that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says will be taken up for “national interest”. The project, which has been in the eye of controversies following opposition from Bangladesh, has received support from the Centre, which has promised not to take any steps that would adversely affect the neighbouring...
More »Court allows Times Now to furnish corporate guarantee
—PTI The Bombay High Court on Monday allowed the Times Now news channel to furnish a corporate guarantee instead of a bank guarantee of Rs. 80 crore in connection with the defamation case filed by former Supreme Court judge P.B. Sawant. Times Global Broadcasting Company (TGBC), which runs Times Now, had sought modification of the High Court's September order, wherein it was asked to deposit Rs. 20 crore with the Court, and...
More »Chidambaram behind ‘inflammatory’ article case, says Swamy
-The Times of India The crime branch of Delhi Police on Monday questioned 2G petitioner and Janata Party chief - Subramanian Swamy in connection with a case of writing an 'inflammatory article'. The leader, officials say, during the questioning claimed that his writings were edited by the newspaper before publication. After the questioning, Swamy alleged that the case was registered against him at the behest of home minister P Chidambaram. Swamy, accompanied...
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