Gujarat Right To Information (RTI) activist Jabbardan Gadhvi had sought information on alleged irregularities in cattle grazing in the Rapar taluka of Kutch district. Earlier this week, the 45-year-old RTI activist set himself ablaze in the compound of the Mamlatdar's office after having received constant threats from the Mamlatdar, Talati and the PSI of Rapar. Gadhvi's family, still in shock, wonders why no body stepped in to stop Gadhvi.Relative Haridan...
Congress disrupts proceedings
Congress MLAs on the first day of the state assembly's budget session disrupted governor Dr Kamla's speech on Thursday. They were protesting against the alleged failure of the state government to take action in an RTI activist's suicide case in Kutch. As the governor stood up to deliver her speech, Congress MLAs started shouting slogans against the government. The MLAs demanded justice for RTI activist Jabbardan Gadhvi, 42, who had self-immolated...
More »Simpreet Singh, RTI activist from National Alliance for Peoples Movement (NAPM) interviewed by Viju B
Activist Simpreet Singh received the national RTI council award instituted by Arvind Kejriwal's Public Cause Research Foundation on behalf of the National Alliance for Peoples Movement (NAPM) which uses the RTI Act to expose fraud and misappropriation of public assets. NAPM used the RTI Act to investigate Adarsh, the tower meant for Kargil war widows, but usurped by state bureaucrats, politicians and defence personnel who had no role to play...
More »NAC undermined by Praful Bidwai
By stubbornly overruling the National Advisory Council, the government risks defeating its purpose as a body that speaks for the poor and the disadvantaged. HAS the Manmohan Singh government begun to regard the National Advisory Council (NAC) as an adversary who should be undermined? Going by their exchanges on key issues such as food security, wages under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), and the implementation of the Scheduled Tribes...
More »RTI activist's killing sets off row in Rajya Sabha
Question hour in the Rajya Sabha ended five minutes before time Thursday following noisy scenes when a Congress MP alleged a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader in Gujarat was involved in the killing of RTI activist Amit Jethva. Asking supplementaries on a question on the Right to Information (RTI), Congress MP from Gujarat Alka Balram Kshatriya alleged that a nephew of the BJP MP from Junagadh was involved in the killing...
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