-The Hindu Advisory in the backdrop of suicides in Telangana Hyderabad: The Reserve Bank of India has advised public to be wary of unauthorised digital lending platforms and mobile apps. Taking note of reports about individuals and small businesses falling prey to a growing number of unauthorised digital lending platforms/mobile apps, the central bank on Wednesday said “members of public are cautioned not to fall prey to such unscrupulous activities.” It urged them...
Amending Few Clauses Not Sufficient, Repeal Farm Acts: Senior Economists to Agri Minister
-TheWire.in The economists, who have engaged with issues of agricultural policy, said that the Centre's reforms were based on "wrong assumptions" about why farmers were unable to get remunerative prices. New Delhi: A group of senior economists have released an open letter to the Union agriculture minister Narendra Singh Tomar calling for the repeal of the THRee contentious farm bills “which are not in the best interests of the small and marginal...
More »Farm reform laws THReaten nation's food security: Agricultural economist Venkatesh ATHReya
-The New Indian Express He added the union government was imposing these farm laws on farmers by advertising them as it is beneficial for their growth. TIRUCHY: The THRee farm refom laws enacted by the Union government were not just against farmers’ welfare, but also posed a challenge to food security, noted agricultural economist Venkatesh ATHReya has said. Taking part in an online event oganised by the Tamil Nadu Science Forum's Tiruchy unit...
More »CBI in HaTHRas rape: Accused ‘frustrated’ after victim rebuff -Amil Bhatnagar
-The Indian Express According to the chargesheet, the woman and Sandeep lived nearby and “he developed acquaintance with the victim two/THRee years back which gradually turned into love affair” The 19-year-old Dalit woman killed in HaTHRas was allegedly raped by four men after she rebuffed one of them, Sandeep, and this “change in their relationship” “aggravated his feelings” and “frustrated him”, the CBI has said in its chargesheet filed in the case. The...
More »By amending Model Mandi Act, MP has pushed its agricultural sector into THRoes of uncertainty -Sunit Arora
-The Indian Express The state has posted high growth rates in the agricultural sector in recent years, but the growth has been skewed in favour of the state's irrigated parts and a small number of crops. Madhya Pradesh is primarily an agricultural state. One third of its gross state domestic product comes from this sector, half of the state’s area is used for cultivation, and 70 per cent of the total workers...
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