-The Hindu The Tamil Nadu Government will enact a Right to Services Act, Governor Banwarilal Purohit announced on Monday. In his customary address to the Assembly, Mr. Purohit said the Act will streamline the delivery of various public services by Government agencies. The Governor said providing a clean administration was the top priority of the Government, and the Lok Ayukta would be revitalised and empowered to deal with complaints against public authorities, including...
Esther Duflo, Raghuram Rajan, Arvind Subramanian in economic advisory council to Tamil Nadu CM -Janardhan Koushik
-The Inidan Express A white paper detailing the true state of Tamil Nadu’s finances will be released in July, said Governor Banwarilal Purohit during the first session of the 16th state legislative assembly in Chennai. Chennai: The Tamil Nadu Government will form an economic advisory council comprising Nobel laureate Esther Duflo of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA and former Reserve Bank of India governor Raghuram Rajan to advise the chief...
More »Many schools in Bengaluru tie up with third party finance companies to collect fees -Soumya Chatterjee
-TheNewsMinute.com Parents say despite the Karnataka Government putting a school fee cap of 70% of tuition fees, this has not been enforced due to ongoing litigation. A legal stalemate at the Karnataka High Court over the fee regulation of ICSE and CBSE schools in the state and especially Bengaluru has left many parents high and dry. Since the onset of the pandemic and the resultant economic slowdown, parents who suffered a loss...
More »Death Count In 24 UP Districts 43 Times More Than Official Covid-19 Toll -Saurav Das
-Article-14.com Excess deaths in UP districts with highest official caseload were between 10 to 335 times higher than the Government’s Covid-19 death toll over nine months to 31 March 2021, we found after analysing mortality data, obtained under the right-to-information law. New Delhi: The number of people who died in 24 Uttar Pradesh (UP) districts over nine months to 31 March 2021 was, cumulatively, 43 times higher than the total official Covid-19...
More »Rural term deposits fall for first time in eight years -Vivek Kaul
-Livemint.com As of 31 March, the total outstanding term deposits with banks in rural India contracted by 1.05% to ₹6.99 trillion from a year earlier Every three months, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) declares region wise data for term deposits. As of 31 March, the total term deposits of commercial banks in India rose 8.42% to ₹86.4 trillion from a year earlier. Term deposits are money that depositors keep in a bank...
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