-The Hindustan Times The Maharashtra police are likely to drop the charges against the two Palghar women for their comments on Facebook protesting the shutdown of Mumbai after the death of Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray on November 17. The police are also likely to initiate punitive action against the cops who arrested them. An inquiry report on the incident was submitted to chief minister Prithviraj Chavan on Saturday, indicting senior and junior...
Attack on Dalit Colonies: 'Cops Delayed in Taking Action'
-Outlook Chennai: DMK today alleged that it was due to delay in taking proper action by police, violence let lose by caste Hindus at Dalit colonies in Dharmapuri district protesting an inter-caste marriage, in which more than 250 huts were set on fire earlier this month. DMK had deputed a team headed by its Organising Secretary P V Kalyanasundaram to visit the three Dalit colonies that were attacked in the November seven...
More »The right alternative -Ridhima Gupta and E Somanathan
-The Hindustan Times The smog that nearly choked Delhi in November was caused due to the burning of post-harvest rice stalks in Punjab, Haryana, and western Uttar Pradesh. Every year, rice is harvested using combine harvesters, which leaves a residue in the field. Earlier, harvesting was done by hand and the people who worked on the fields would take out the stalks and use them as food for animals. This practice is...
More »Dalit Colony Attack: Married Dalit Boy by Choice, Says Girl
-Outlook Dharmapuri (TN): A caste-Hindu girl, whose father committed suicide after her marriage with a Dalit boy, which resulted in violence here earlier this month, told a local court that nobody had forced her for the wedding and she did not want to join with her mother. Her mother had two days ago filed a police complaint that her daughter was kidnapped and forced to marry the boy. She had alleged that the...
More »Maoists strike in Gadchiroli, gun down ex-sarpanch -Pradip Kumar Maitra
-The Hindustan Times After a lull, the naxalites struck in Gadchiroli again. On late Tuesday night, the naxalites killed a villager on pretext of his being a police informer in Motala-Tekdi village near Sironcha bordering Andhra Pradesh. According to reports reaching here, a gang of 10-15 armed Maoists stormed the Motala-Tekdi village and enquired about Narayan Srirangi (33) who was at home. They armed naxals went to his home, dragged him...
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