-The Times of India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has been given a clean chit by the Joint Parliamentary Committee on telecom which rubbished CAG's Rs 1.76 lakh crore loss calculations in the 2G scam but slammed the Vajpayee government for Rs 40,080 crore loss due to a policy shift in 1999. The committee - headed by Congress MP P C Chacko - in its draft report pinned the 2G blame on former...
Wireless messages dent SIT claim on Modi-Vidya Subrahmaniam
-The Hindu Extracts show violence before and during funeral processions of kar sevaks In its closure report submitted to the trial court, the Special Investigation Team that probed Zakia Jafri's complaintagainst Narendra Modi and 58 others said there was no evidence to prove that the Chief Minister had sent the bodies of the 2002 Godhra victims to Ahmedabad with a view to parading them before the public. The SIT quoted Ahmedabad Police Commissioner...
More »Bihar spends Rs 170cr annually guarding VIPs -Gyan Prakash
-The Times of India PATNA: Bihar spends Rs 170 crore annually deploying 5,000 police personnel out a force of 60,000 as bodyguards for politicians, judges, bureaucrats, police officers, members of constitutional bodies and other governmental functionaries. The NDA government in 2007 had created separate posts of 5,800 bodyguards which were later merged with the police. Patna district police has 1,500 such bodyguards. One constable used to be assigned to each MLA or MLC,...
More »Govt shifts stand, wants PPP project details revealed -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India In a significant move towards transparency, the government on Tuesday said all public authorities should proactively disclose information related to public private partnerships (PPP) projects on their websites. Though the disclosure will be voluntary, this marks a shift from the Centre's stand for the last two years when it stonewalled Central Information Commission (CIC)'s recommendation seeking disclosure of PPP projects and will herald greater transparency. Guidelines issued by the...
More »India is set to become the youngest country by 2020-Girija Shivkumar
-The Hindu This demographic potential offers India and its economy an unprecedented edge Every third person in an Indian city today is a youth. In about seven years, the median individual in India will be 29 years, very likely a city-dweller, making it the youngest country in the world. India is set to experience a dynamic transformation as the population burden of the past turns into a demographic dividend, but the benefits...
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