Seven months after police fired at villagers on the Pune-Mumbai expressway killing three of them, 48 farmers summoned on Friday for questioning for their alleged in violence during the incident were arrested, produced in court and sent to jail. The farmers, who assumed that they were being called for routine questioning, were taken aback after the arrest. They have been booked under IPCs several sections like attempt to murder, rioting,...
Mamata’s u-turn on media gag in WB libraries
-PTI Stoking controversy, the Mamata Banerjee government in West Bengal banned English and mass-circulation Bengali dailies at state-sponsored and aided libraries but in a damage-control exercise late tonight said the order was being changed to include more newspapers. The order by the state government evoked criticism from Trinamool ally Congress, Left parties and the intelligentsia which said the decision was "undemocratic, undesirable and worse than censorship." A demand for withdrawal of the...
More »Supreme Court to frame norms for media on reporting court proceedings-J Venkatesan
“We are interested in prevention rather than initiating contempt proceedings” The Supreme Court on Tuesday indicated that it would lay down guidelines for the media on court reporting with a view to striking a balance between protecting press freedom and protecting the right to life. A five-judge Constitution Bench of Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia and Justices D.K. Jain, S.S. Nijjar, Ranjana Desai and J.S. Khehar said: “We have to balance Article 21(right...
More »'Coalgate': CAG takes on coal minister, says we don't make basic mistakes-Pradeep Thakur
Comptroller and Auditor General Vinod Rai on Tuesday trashed the suggestion that the federal auditor's estIMAte of undue gains to companies caused by the government's failure to auction coal blocks was "fallacious" or "erroneous". "We are incapable of making fundamental errors as being discussed in media. Our report will make clear all doubts on fallacies (that are) being talked about," Rai said at a seminar on 'Public Accountability and the Role...
More »The great and infuriating poverty debate-Saugato Datta
The debate over the poverty numbers in India is oddly impoverished. Judging from the vociferousness with which India’s press and English-speaking upper-middle-classes are debating the latest poverty figures, those who chide the wealthy for a lack of concern for the poor are barking up the wrong tree. And no doubt much of the breast-beating about the “absurd” poverty cutoffs and the declines in poverty (exaggerated! inadequate!) is extremely well-intentioned. Unfortunately, the...
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