-The Economic Times Chhattisgarh government has collected over Rs 2 crore in fine in some 3,000 cases of illegal mining and ore transportation in the last two years. Official sources here said that there were 2,886 such cases. Fine of Rs 65,29,000 was collected in 465 cases of illegal mining in the last two years, while Rs 36,71,000 were collected in 2421 cases of illegal transport of ore. Flying squads which have been set...
Raman Singh: Why appoint Binayak Sen to Planning Commission panel? by Aarti Dhar
Even as the Planning Commission stood by its decision to nominate Binayak Sen to its steering committee on health, there is a loud note of disapproval from Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh, who has questioned the rationale behind the appointment, saying the rights activist is still facing trial. “The people of Chhattisgarh do not approve of the appointment,” he said. “He has not been absolved of the charges by the court...
More »NBRI’s fungus to tackle pests attacking pulses
The production of pulses in the country has been hit by a pest called pod borer. The common pest which attacks all pulses, chick pea, pigeon pea, gram, groundnut and lentils is a cause of worry for farmers in several states. The National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) has developed a technology based on Beauveria bassiana, a fungus, which is effective against pod borer of chick pea and pigeon pea and...
More »Young reporters trained by UNICEF tackle social issues in rural India by Diana Coulter
Chhattisgarh, India, 6 May 2011 – When Pausha Madharia, 16, speaks, she gives voice to the hopes, dreams and fears of every child in the Indian State of Chhattisgarh. Standing before the State Assembly recently, she shared her concerns about child labour, discrimination faced by young girls and the troubles that some students encounter when they’re simply trying to attend school. Pausha told legislators that drunken men sprawled on the road...
More »Binayak Sen on Plan panel committee by Aarti Dhar
Within weeks of getting bail from the Supreme Court in connection with charges of sedition, human rights activist Binayak Sen has been made member of the Planning Commission's Steering Committee on Health, which will advise the panel on the Twelfth Five-Year Plan (2012-2017). Binayak Sen, who was released on bail from the Raipur jail last month, will, based on his experience of having worked as a paediatrician in Chhattisgarh's tribal belt,...
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