The judicial commission on Adarsh will submit its interim report to the Maharasahtra government on Friday, more than a year after it was set up to probe how the building came up in Colaba. Justice (retired) J A Patil and member P Subrahmanyam on Thursday said the report would be given in a sealed envelope. With the report out of its way, the panel is all set to summon top politicians...
The flip side of fighting graft-Andre Beteille
The attack on corruption should not turn into disregard and contempt for institutions. The educated middle class in India is naturally exercised over the corruption that is widely prevalent in public life. With growing concern over corruption there is growing indignation. This indignation is expressed on various public occasions, sometimes passionately, but often in a purely routine manner. Every public institution and every public office, civil as well as military, is...
More »Not much on the plate by Samar Halarnkar
I have never been to Brazil's "beautiful horizon", Belo Horizonte, the country's third-largest metropolitan area and an information and bio-technology hub, but I have followed the city's progress against what was once its enduring shame: hunger. In 1993, when 11% of its 2.5 million people lived in absolute poverty and a fifth of Belo's children went hungry, a newly-elected government declared that food was a fundamental right of every citizen,...
More »Marketing arrangements for agriculture products archaic: Rangarajan
-PTI Chairman of Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council, C Rangarajan today said Agriculture Produce Marketing Committees (APMCs) have not helped the farmers in gaining higher level of income. "The marketing arrangements with respect to agricultural products remain very archaic", he said, delivering the convocation address at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. "Some of the legislations such as APMC have also not helped the farmers. There is a big difference between what the...
More »Gulberg Society case: Gujarat highlights why the Bill against communal violence is needed
-The Economic Times The special court's verdict in the communal killings in Ode and the Special Investigation Team's (SIT) closure of investigation in the Gulberg Society massacre - after finding no Evidence to prosecute CM Narendra Modi and top political leaders, bureaucrats and police officers - highlight the laboriousness of delivering some measure of justice to the victims of the carnage in Gujarat in 2002. The SIT's report is by no means...
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