-The Times of India The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Monday arrested an income tax commissioner Daya Shankar in Mumbai for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 2 lakh from a private company for passing a favourable order in an appeal matter. "Shankar, commissioner IT (appeals), was arrested this morning from his office in Bandra for demanding and accepting bribe for settling and issuing a favourable order in an appeal matter...
Black money in Swiss banks down 50% since '06
-The Times of India The information on tax evaders and those who have stashed unaccounted money abroad has started trickling in, with the government admitting for the first time that total deposits of Indians in Swiss banks have come down by more than 50% in the last five years. The total Liabilities of Swiss banks towards Indians have declined in the last five years. The deposits of Indians have come down from...
More »A proven case by V Venkatesan
The Supreme Court criticises the Chhattisgarh and Central governments and orders the disbanding of Salwa Judum. THE case Nandini Sundar vs State of Chhattisgarh arose out of a writ petition (civil) filed in 2007 in the Supreme Court by Nandini Sundar, a Professor of sociology at the Delhi School of Economics; Ramachandra Guha, a historian; and E.A.S. Sarma, former Secretary to Government of India and former Commissioner, Tribal Welfare, Government...
More »Finance min asked to probe assets of former CJI
-The Times of India The home ministry has asked the finance ministry to conduct a probe into the assets of former Chief Justice of India, K G Balakrishnan, in what could possibly lead to action against him for allegedly possessing wealth disproportionate to his income. Sources said the ministry has written to the revenue secretary, asking him to institute an inquiry through the Central Board of Direct Taxes. "The inquiry would be...
More »RTE escape route: 2 public schools show zero admission in nursery by Pardeep Rai
In what appears to be a desperate attempt to escape Liabilities following the implementation of Right to Education (RTE), two public schools of the city have shown zero admission in nursery classes. This came to light during scrutiny of annual reports of admissions submitted by schools by the office of district education officer here. Surprised over the act, the DEO has put records of all schools under scanner. DEO Jagjit...
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