-The Hindu Since November 9, a day after the Centre banned Rs.500 and Rs.1,000 notes, the Sis Ganj Gurdwara has seen hectic rush during lunch About 500 kg of dal, 600 kg of vegetables and one tonne of rice is what it takes to feed thousands of people at the Sis Ganj Gurdwara in Chandni Chowk on an average day. The langar or community kitchen at the popular gurdwara has always been busy,...
Govt admits big gaps in urban work force -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph New Delhi: About 57.57 per cent of India's urban population of 300 million has no source of income, socio-economic data released by the government last week suggests, prompting at least one analyst to wonder if this was the reason people were willing to queue up for the whole day to exchange cash. Thirty-seven per cent are engaged in work ranging from begging to government jobs, earning some income. About 5.90...
More »In this Varanasi village, few line up for the new toilets -AM Jigeesh
-The Hindu Business Line Villagers of Nageypur, which was adopted by the PM, allege corruption in the cleanliness drive The people of Nageypur, the model village in Varanasi adopted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, are agitated. The village mainly has two problems—open defecation and clogging of water that flows from kitchens and toilets. Out of its 525 families, less than 200 in this village have pucca toilets. Understanding this, the Prime Minister’s Office offered...
More »India has lost 550 jobs a day in last 4 years: Study
-PTI Job creation in India successively slowing down; employment might shrink 7 million by 2050 As many as 550 jobs have disappeared every day in last four years and if this trend continues, employment would shrink by 7 million by 2050 in the country, a study has claimed. Farmers, petty retail vendors, contract labourers and construction workers are the most vulnerable sections facing never before livelihood threats in India today, the study by...
More »India's rural transformation: A myth or reality? -Pramit Bhattacharya
-Livemint.com The transformation of the Indian countryside has been slow and messy One of the celebrated success stories of India’s growth experience over the past decade was the rapid transformation of the countryside, with a massive shift in the rural labour market away from farm jobs. Two labour economists have now challenged the empirical foundations of that success story, raising deep questions on the nature and scale of that transformation. Their research also...
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