-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Reserve Bank of India, market regulator Sebi and the Gujarat government today petitioned the Supreme Court to modify its earlier order Restricting the use of Aadhaar cards to a handful of schemes. In separate applications, the petitioners requested that authorities be allowed to demand the production of Aadhaar cards for all services, social welfare schemes and securities transactions. Else, they argued, the precluded schemes would be affected. The...
Market regulator, central bank move SC on Aadhaar
-Business Standard Seek relaxation of order Restricting Aadhaar usage in PDS and LPG subsidies The Securities Exchange Board of India (Sebi) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Tuesday moved the Supreme Court for modification of the apex court's order on Aadhaar, issued in August. The two regulators sought relaxation of the order, which stated the unique identity card should not be insisted upon except for public distribution scheme (PDS) items...
More »Empower, not weaken the CAG -Gautam Sen
-The Hindu A recent proposal to curtail the powers of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India runs contrary to national and international conventions. Rather, it is the duty of both the executive and the legislature to strengthen this constitutional office A conference of the chairpersons of Public Accounts Committees (PACs) has just been held under the aegis of the Parliament’s PAC. Nishikant Dubey, Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha), member PAC, and...
More »India may battle malaria on its own as global agencies plan to divert fund -Sushmi Dey
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: India may have to ramp up its funding to eliminate malaria as several international agencies are expected to divert finances to more demanding areas, including non-communicable diseases and maternal and child care. Since 2000, global malaria deaths have fallen 58%, and half of the world's nations are now malaria-free. This is likely to prompt many multilateral organisations to shift focus from malaria to other priority health...
More »Ramesh Chand, member of NITI Aayog and eminent agriculture economist, speaks to Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard India’s growth in agriculture and allied activities has struggled to reach the targeted four per cent average a year in the first three years of the 12th five-year Plan because of a host of factors. The below-average farm growth is widely expected to deepen the crisis in the farm sector. In an interview with Sanjeeb Mukherjee, newly-appointed member of NITI Aayog and eminent agriculture economist Ramesh Chand said over-reliance...
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