-The Hindu The Central Bureau of Investigation has booked nine senior officials of the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) and 13 others, including the then chief financial officer of Isolux Corsan India Engineering and Construction Private Limited (ICIECPL), on graft charge related to three road projects in 2008-10. Among the officials named are the then project directors, C.K. Sinha, Vibhav Mittal, D.P. Soni, S.K. Gupta and Suraj Prakash, besides then general...
Parliamentary Panel Flags Slow Increase in Health Budget -Priyanka Ishwari
-Newsclick.in The budgetary allocation for health was only 2.1% of the total Budget Estimates for 2022-2023. New Delhi: A Parliamentary Standing Committee has raised concerns over “less priority” being accorded to the health sector in the Budget. The committee, headed by Samajwadi Party Rajya Sabha member Ram Gopal Yadav, noted that “the budgetary allocation for the ministry of health and family welfare accounts for 2.1% of the total BE 2022-23 (Budget Estimates...
More »Knee-Deep in Debt, Food Shortages, Depleting Foreign Reserves: How Did Sri Lanka Get Here?
-TheWire.in A foreign exchange crunch in Sri Lanka has led to a shortage of essential goods and power cuts that last up to 13 hours a day. New Delhi: Sri Lanka is grappling with the worst economic crisis in decades, which has spiked the prices of essential commodities like rice, milk powder, cooking gas and fuel. For instance, one kilogram of basmati rice currently costs between Rs 300-800 as compared to around Rs...
More »Hysterectomy In Lieu of Leave for Woman Farm Labour in Beed -Jai Narayan Tiwari
-TheCitizen.in There are no sweet moment for Sugarcare farm labourers “My body aches, my hands and legs hurt a lot, but I still have many trucks to load. If I delay it the workload will increase. I can eat only after the task is done,” said Sarika Laxman Chole, a 25-year-old labourer working on a sugarcane field at this village in Beed. She works from 8 am to midnight, to earn Rs 300-350...
More »With 101 seats, BJP hits triple digits in Rajya Sabha for first time in party’s history -Neelam Pandey
-ThePrint.in BJP won 4 seats in RS polls, becoming the first party to pass 100-seat mark after 1988-90. NDA now has 117 members in 245-member RS, while Congress hit a new low at 29 seats. New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has got a three-digit tally in the Rajya Sabha for the first time in its history, after winning four of the 13 seats up for election in the latest round...
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