-The Times of India NEW Delhi: Delhi Chief minister Arvind Kejriwal announced on Thursday that residents of 1,797 unauthorised colonies of Delhi will soon get ownership rights to their properties. The bonanza comes a few months before assembly elections in Delhi and two days after the Union housing and urban affairs ministry circulated a Cabinet proposal for formulating a framework for the exercise. The cut-off date for regularisation of these colonies is...
Former CEA rubbishes government arguments; sticks to claim of India overestimating GDP growth
-PTI In a new paper 'Validating India's GDP Growth Estimates', Arvind Subramanian said he had indicated his doubts on the growth numbers in the Economic Survey in 2015 as well as mid-year Economic Analysis. New Delhi: Sticking to his analysis that India’s economic growth has been overestimated, Arvind Subramanian said he had raised doubts about the GDP numbers in 2015 when he was the chief economic adviser of the Modi government...
More »India may have to revise downwards 'potential' growth rate from 7-8%: ex-CEA -TCA Sharad Raghavan
-The Hindu ‘Today’s 4.5% is impressive as size of the economy now is five times of 1980 levels’ New Delhi: India may have to revise downwards what is considered its “potential” rate of growth from 7-8% to bring expectations more in line with reality, former Chief Economic Adviser (CEA) Arvind Subramanian has argued in a paper. This paper comes as a follow-up to the one Mr. Subramanian published last month, in which he...
More »Wage clarification with consultation pledge
-The Telegraph Labour minister Santosh Gangwar said that Rs 178 would be the minimum wage New Delhi: An existing tripartite advisory committee of employers, employees’ unions and state government officials will determine a national-level minimum wage that will be binding on all states after the passage of a draft law, the Centre said on Wednesday. Labour minister Santosh Gangwar had last week said that the government would table a Code on Wages Bill...
More »AAP report card: Water pipelines in Delhi slums still a dream
-IANS NEW Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), which stormed into Delhi politics on the plank of providing piped water to all, has not and may not be able to provide piped water connection to over 650 JJ clusters and 100 unauthorised colonies in the city anytime soon, as the tenure of the Arvind Kejriwal government will end in February 2020. According to government data, of the total 675 JJ (jhuggi jhopri)...
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