-The Hindu Amid criticism from SC/ST panel, experts say project must continue Now in her late twenties, Veeramma Selvan of Thekkekadampara tribal hamlet in Sholayur gram panchayat of Attappady has reasons to believe that her gods have stopped smiling. It was in January last year that she lost her five-month-old, underweight son Balu — her fourth child — allegedly due to milk aspiration. (a medical condition in which the mother's milk goes...
Rain threat to wheat -Arnab Ganguly
-The Telegraph Punjab assesses damage after shock showers flatten crops and fuel storage fears Chandigarh: An unusual spell of rain on Monday morning has cast a cloud on the wheat crop yet to be harvested in Punjab, forcing the agriculture department to sent teams across the state to assess the damage. The rains have come at a time Punjab has been grappling with a storage crisis. The state has a total storage capacity of...
More »Farm distress is now haunting us: NITI Aayog's Rajiv Kumar -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com The NITI Aayog and the government have decided to focus only and only on farmers and the agriculture sector, says NITI Aayog VC Rajiv Kumar New Delhi: The spectre of farm distress has finally begun to haunt policymakers and the government is doing everything it can to address the situation, Rajiv Kumar, vice-chairman of central government think tank NITI Aayog, said on Friday. “We in the NITI Aayog and the government have...
More »U'khand govt to purchase millets, Food grains directly from farmers -Deep Joshi
-Hindustan Times In a “maiden initiative” by the Uttarakhand government aimed to enhance farmers’ income, the state-owned Mandi Parishad (whole sale market) will directly buy farm produce like millets and Food grains from them In a “maiden initiative” by the Uttarakhand government aimed to enhance farmers’ income, the state-owned Mandi Parishad (whole sale market) will directly buy farm produce like millets and Food grains from them. “Farmers growing millets and Food grains would...
More »Millets to be procured at MSP for public distribution system: Agri minister -Zia Haq
-Hindustan Times The agriculture ministry has started a new programme to focus on millets or coarse cereal production, mostly grown by small and poor farmers New Delhi: The Narendra Modi government has decided to include millets in the public distribution system for which it is procuring these grains at federally fixed minimum support prices, agriculture minister Radha Mohan Singh said. The agriculture ministry has started a new programme to focus on millets or...
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