Onion prices have hit the roof across the southern states — Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. From Pune, Bangalore and Chennai the retail market feedback was the worst, a kilo going for between Rs 70 and Rs 80. Prices in Hyderabad too showed a steady rising trend. At supermarkets in glitzy Banjara Hills they had touched Rs 50 a kg and market watchers feared the rates could go even...
NHRC moots super-specialty hospital for Endosulfan victims
Terming as “very serious” the diseases suspected to have been caused by the use of Endosulfan in the Plantation Corporation of Kerala's cashew estates in the district, the National Human Rights Commission has recommended setting up a multi super-specialty hospital here to treat the victims. The health situation arising out of the use of Endosulfan on the PCK land is very serious and all agencies, including the government, people's representatives and...
More »MP sets new RTI rules, making it tougher to get information
It took years of struggle, harassment, sweat and courage to get the Right to Information Act (2005) in place. Now, it looks like the government is hell bent on frustrating the purpose of this legislation. Yesterday, the Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly secretariat notified new rules that bar the transfer of applications to multiple authorities, limit the subjects and seeks additional fees for first appeals under the Right to Information (RTI) Act....
More »It's a deal by and for the rich polluters by Sunita Narain
Let's assess the outcome of Cancun in terms of what the world has achieved to avert climate change. We know the threat of a changing climate is real, we in India are most vulnerable and the world needs drastic emission reduction. Just think: to keep the world below 2 degrees Celsius temperature increase, global emissions must drop to 44 billion tonnes of CO2e (all greenhouse gases) by 2020. The world...
More »A Nobel for Irom Sarmila will help by Amrith Lal
Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel peace prize for his pursuit of freedom through peaceful and non-violent means. India was among the many nations that defied China's call for a boycott of the Nobel ceremony. New Delhi didn't quite welcome the choice. The decision to attend the ceremony may have had more to do with the need to adopt a public posture that India refuses to be arm-twisted by China. And,...
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