Tamil Nadu's success in implementing the NREGA shows its commitment to social welfare, and the way ahead for other states. The share of women in the NREGA workforce has remained high from the beginning and is the highest in the country The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), enacted in 2005, has had a varied record so far. In many states, implementation has been lame (e.g. Bihar and Gujarat) or...
Dreze: Bihar a dismal laggard in MGREGS by Shoumojit Banerjee
Bihar is one of the poorest performing States in the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGREGS), noted a team of activists and researchers led by social scientist Jean Dreze. Professor Dreze, along with activists Ashish Ranjan and Kamayani Swami of the Jan Jagran Abhiyan (JJA), and economist Reetika Khera, on Wednesday alerted Chief Minister Nitish Kumar about the dismal state of affairs. According to data presented by the team, Bihar lags...
More »UN forum on indigenous issues to focus on rights in development processes
Nearly 2,000 indigenous representatives from all over the world will gather at United Nations Headquarters in New York on Monday for the start of a two-week meeting aimed at ensuring their full participation in development while preserving their culture and identity. At the meeting, the ninth session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, they and Member States, UN agencies and civil society groups will discuss efforts to guarantee...
More »Hunger helps Maoists spread their wings by B Vijay Murty
If you want to understand why the Maoists grow stronger, watch frail Shyam Charan Kisku, 5, as he keeps hunger away by nibbling at a wild berry called Kendu on a hot April afternoon. Kisku and 40-odd children in this scraggly village of mud-and-thatch homes, 180km south-east of Jharkhand’s capital Ranchi, did not get their free lunch this day under the national mid-day meal scheme, the world’s largest cooked-meal programme. Kisku’s mother,...
More »Dividing children by TK Rajalakshmi
The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme has been conceived as a major intervention by the Central government to deal with the high rates of infant mortality, low birth weight, and malnutrition among women and children. The scheme essentially targets children in the age group of zero to six years and women in the reproductive age group. The problem is that the ICDS is seen as the success story behind...
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