-Daily Bhaskar On Saturday, Central Information Commissioner (CIC) Shailesh Gandhi said that the Right To Information (RTI) was under threat due to the increasing number of appeals pending before information commissioners in the country. He was speaking as chief guest at a regional workshop sponsored by the directorate of personnel and training on 'Proactive disclosures: the way forward'. The workshop was organised by Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration (Yashada). Delegates from...
Yamunanagar may slap fine of Rs10k on erring schools by Pradeep Rai
Submit the details of admission of students from weaker sections under Right To Education (RTE) till October 30 or pay fine Rs 10,000. This is the clear cut warning from the district education department to owners of the private schools of the district. Notably, six months have passed when the RTE introduced, but only few schools have submitted their admission record. Since the RTE is applicable for the students till...
More »Pinki Virani author-activist interviewed by R Krithika
India is finally ready with a comprehensive Bill that will protect children from sexual abuse. But the Bill, says author-activist Pinki Virani, has a major flaw regarding sexual consent that needs to be immediately addressed and the stakeholders consulted before it becomes law. With a certain Standing Committee so much in the news, let us look at what is happening with another Standing Committee looking into a Bill to protect children...
More »Plan to relax ban on sex determination tests draws sharp reactions by Aarti Dhar
AIDWA wants Planning Commission proposal immediately withdrawn The Planning Commission's proposal for relaxing the ban on sex determination tests has evoked sharp reactions, both for and against. The proposal envisages relaxing the rules for sex determination in foetus but giving incentives to stakeholders and mothers, if it is a girl child, to ensure safe delivery. National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) chairperson Shantha Sinha says the government should ensure the...
More »Let RTI debate play out: Congress by Smita Gupta
The Congress has decided to adopt a cautious approach to suggestions coming from within the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government that the Right to Information (RTI) Act be re-examined as it affects government functioning. On Friday, party spokesperson Manish Tewari — in response to a question whether changes were being contemplated in the seminal Act — stressed it was important for the ongoing debate on the issue “to play itself...
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