-The Hindu The response from the officials is not encouraging, says Commissioner The Andhra Pradesh Information Commission has observed that awareness on Right to Information Act among common man was high. The response from the officials was however, not encouraging. The misuse of the RTI Act also came to the notice of Commission, which is contemplating taking suitable action in this regard. Addressing a press conference here on Sunday, Information Commissioner P....
What triggered the violence at Maruti’s Manesar factory?-Amrit Raj
-Live Mint Maruti Suzuki India Ltd’s Manesar plant was witness to prolonged labour strife last year, but the violence unleashed on Wednesday that led to one person being killed caught its victims completely unawares. “Some of us jumped off the first floor to save our lives as we saw a mob of workers, hundreds of them, rushing towards us,” one of the injured Maruti officials told reporters at a hospital in Gurgaon...
More »Protests continue against haircut
-The Hindu Students turn up for classes but find errant school closed The Oxford English School on Nandini Layout, where the tuft of hair of some children admitted under the Right to Education quota for the disadvantaged children were snipped to distinguish them from the rest, remained closed on Thursday, even as protests were staged in front of it. In the morning, children who came to the school were turned away by the...
More »HC hauls up Nagri ‘vested interests’
-The Telegraph Jharkhand High Court today ruled out return of land acquired by the state government in Nagri way back in 1957-58, even as it reproached public representatives for “blowing the issue out of proportion and misguiding the poor and illiterate”. The court also asked the government to translate all earlier court orders into Hindi and regional languages for circulation among the villagers so that they understood the issue better. “Land acquired cannot...
More »Key highlights of Ernst & Young report on Right to Education : role of private sector
-India Education Diary The Right to Education Act (RTE), enacted in 2009, has ushered in hope for school education in the country. It is the primary responsibility of the Government to ensure implementation of the Act. Being part of the concurrent list, the Central and state governments are both responsible for ensuring effective implementation of the Act. There has been significant improvement in terms of the number of primary schools, largely...
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