-The Hindu The Tamil Nadu government will enact a Right to Services Act, Governor Banwarilal Purohit announced on Monday. In his customary address to the Assembly, Mr. Purohit said the Act will streamline the delivery of various public services by government agencies. The Governor said providing a clean administration was the top priority of the government, and the Lok Ayukta would be revitalised and empowered to deal with complaints against public authorities, INCluding...
India’s vaccine policy needs clarity -K Sujatha Rao
-The Hindu In seeking to pursue conflicting objectives, the policy architecture is complex and difficult to implement Contrary to popular perception, public policies are made without full knowledge or facts. More often than not, they embody assumptions arising from experience, an understanding of history, and present conditions. Considering the vast sea of unknowns surrounding COVID-19, it would be understandable to place a greater reliance on historical experience. Instead, India’s vaccine policy appears...
More »Delta plus variant of coronavirus spreading in India, 3 states report cases: Report -Harshit Sabarwal
-Hindustan Times The Union health ministry has still not classified the Delta plus variant as a ‘variant of concern’. Last week, NITI Aayog’s Dr VK Paul said the way forward is to watch for the variant’s potential presence in the country and take appropriate public health responses. As India continues to fight the second wave of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic, it is also struggling to control the INCreasing spread of the...
More »Death Count In 24 UP Districts 43 Times More Than Official Covid-19 Toll -Saurav Das
-Article-14.com Excess deaths in UP districts with highest official caseload were between 10 to 335 times higher than the government’s Covid-19 death toll over nine months to 31 March 2021, we found after analysing mortality data, obtained under the right-to-information law. New Delhi: The number of people who died in 24 Uttar Pradesh (UP) districts over nine months to 31 March 2021 was, cumulatively, 43 times higher than the total official Covid-19...
More »Surveys on learning losses by month end, panel told -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu House panel on education discusses COVID-19 impact The Centre is assessing how badly school students have been hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, and will collect States’ surveys on digital education access and learning losses by the end of this month, the School Education Department told a parliamentary panel on education on Monday. The panel asked the Centre to also assess the impact of its own guidelines and interventions, as well as...
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