-The Hindu However, the job scheme’s balance sheets remain in the red in 24 States, UTs. The Finance Ministry has allocated additional funds of ₹10,000 crore as an interim measure for the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) scheme after it ran out of funds allocated in the budget, according to the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD). More funds may be forthcoming based on the “assessment of demand,” added the...
Falling fertility, rising anaemia stand out in national health survey -Nandlal Mishra and Akancha Singh
-Livemint.com From a replacement-level fertility rate to rising anaemia prevalence, here’s what the latest round of the National Family Health Survey has found on key health indicators across India’s states India hit a major demographic milestone in the last two years as its total fertility rate slipped below the replacement level for the first time, show the findings of the latest National Family Health Survey. The replacement mark—2.1 children per woman—is the...
More »33% Muslims, 20% Dalits & Adivasis ‘faced discrimination at hospitals’, Oxfam survey finds -Mohana Basu
-ThePrint.in According to the Oxfam survey, 9% of respondents said they had to lose a day’s wage to get themselves vaccinated against Covid-19. New Delhi: At least one-third of Muslims and over 20 per cent Dalits and Adivasis said they have been discriminated on the grounds of religion, caste, or because of illness in a hospital or by a healthcare professional, according to a survey by Oxfam India. The survey — titled ‘Securing...
More »A closer look at the draft Data Protection Bill -Rishab Bailey
-The Hindu Does the JPC adopted bill fail to protect individuals against Government agencies? The story so far: The Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) constituted to examine India’s proposed data protection law, the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019, released its report on Monday. It contains a number of suggestions that could strengthen the final law, among others, a recognition that promotion of the digital economy cannot take precedence over the protection of citizen...
More »More hospital births, but limited gains in childhood nutrition: National Family Health Survey-5 -Jacob Koshy and Jagriti Chandra
-The Hindu Total Fertility Rate has dropped to 2.0, indicating just replacement level. Births in institutional facilities, such as a hospital, improved by nearly eight percentage points but children who were either stunted or displayed signs of wasting only dropped by a maximum of three percentage points, shows a comparison of the National Family Health Survey-5 (NFHS-5) and NFHS-4. The complete results of the NFHS-5 were made public on Wednesday. The NFHS-4 was...
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