Speculative traders are making super-profits by fixing prices in the onion trade while the government is playing around with ad hoc fixes. On Tuesday alone, wholesale traders in Delhi bought onions at about Rs 34 per kg while it was sold in retail at Rs 80 per kg. That's a margin of Rs 46 per kg or 135%! About 11,445 quintals of onion were bought in the Delhi wholesale markets on...
Most vegetables go the onion way, prices zoom
It's not just onions that sting these days. A survey of local markets in the Capital on Wednesday showed that almost everything the neighbourhood greengrocer sells - except potatoes - has started pinching the pocket of the middle class Delhiite. Retail prices of vegetables, such as beans, brinjal, cauliflower, cabbage, tomato and carrot, have shot up by 25 to 60% compared to prices around this time last year. Although onion prices...
More »Potato prices to remain volatile on supply constraints
Potato prices have turned volatile across India due to a mismatch in demand and supply. While prices have come down in northern and western India, prices still remain firm in the eastern part due to crop delays . Farmers in Punjab are getting 250-300 per quintal for the Pukhraj and Jyoti potato varieties. In the Jalandhar mandi, prices for a 50-kg packet were ruling at 130-160 on Tuesday while in the...
More »CCIS: 2012 Allegations of corruption dominate Deshmukh's press meet
Although guardian minister of Gondia district Anil Deshmukh has given some valuable information regarding on line distribution of Public Distribution System (PDS) and biometric data system for employees in Gondia, most part of his press conference was dominated by allegations of rampart corruption prevailing in the district in various departments including village tanks, PDS and absence of employees from their seats in government offices. While speaking about the absence of the...
More »Comprehensive Plan Needed for Helping the Homeless by Bharat Dogra
No matter how tired we are in the course of a difficult day’s work, there is always the reassuring feeling that at the end of the hard work we’ll go back to sleep in the comfort of our home. But there are millions of people in our cities who simply do not have a home. The homeless of our cities suffer the most; yet they are the most neglected. No...
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