Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Wednesday said workers employed under the government's flagship rural jobs scheme, Mahatma Gandhi NREGA, would get higher wages to offset inflation. "We have decided to hike the wages as per the rise in consumer price index. This will raise the wages by 17 to 30 percent," Manmohan Singh said at a function to mark the fifth anniversary of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). The gathering...
Average BP falls globally, shoots up in India by Kounteya Sinha
Nearly 139 million Indians were suffering from high blood pressure (BP) at the end of 2008 — 14% of the global burden of uncontrolled hypertension. From 1980-2008, the number of Indians suffering from high BP rose by 87 million, while the percentage of population suffering from the ailment rose from 21% to 26%. The latest data of the "Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries and Risk Factors" study, published in the British...
More »Prime Minister, Sonia promise more MGNREGS reforms by K Balchand
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and United Progressive Alliance chairperson Sonia Gandhi have promised to usher in more reforms in the scheme under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) and increase the number of days of job guaranteed to Below the Poverty Line households. Speaking at a function here to mark the completion of the fifth year of MGNREGS, Dr. Singh promised to reform the delivery mechanism for the...
More »Rural jobs scheme a unifying factor too by K Balchand
It has served as a tool to ease tension in Kandhamal and ethnic conflict among Manipur's tribal groups Officials rewarded for ingenuity at function celebrating completion of five years of MGNREGS Eight District Magistrates from across India rewarded for efforts in their respective districts Pepping up the rural economy, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) is also a magic wand for reducing tensions and forging social unity and bonding family...
More »Direct cash subsidy to people would check corruption
Citing various irregularities in the implementation of Food for Work Scheme under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar today strongly advocated cash subsidy as a better option. ''If people are to be helped through cash, it would avoid diversion of the commodity or any other product meant for them,'' Mr Kumar said in an informal interaction with Members of the Indian Women's Press Corps...
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