Those who violate ban may be fined up to Rs 5 lakh or imprisoned up to six years After Madhya Pradesh, Kerala has now become the second state in India to ban all forms of chewing tobacco products. The state has banned the manufacture, storage, distribution and sale of gutkha and pan masala, containing tobacco and nicotine, of all brands available in the market. The ban is effective from May 25. Like Madhya...
The Aamir Khan Column: Health care for the poor, a dream worth dreaming-Aamir Khan
What is the point of having a great GDP if as a society we are unhealthy? I am a bit of a dreamer. I dream that one day we will be living in a country where things will be different, and where the rich and the poor will both get the same, good, quality health care. To many it may seem like a totally impractical, and an unachievable dream. But it's...
More »The withering of age-Harsh Mander
In a Bangladeshi folk story, a disabled grandfather is carried by his son in a basket, to be abandoned in the forest. On seeing this, the grandson calls out, 'Father, please be sure to bring back the basket. I will need it when you grow old'. Three thousand ageing men and women gathered in Delhi in the blazing midsummer heat to demand a universal pension for all aged people, not...
More »On WHO agenda: a global vaccine action plan-Sonal Matharu
Health activists say new policy may not address the weaknesses in ongoing routine immunisation programmes and would flood poor countries with new vaccines When the global health leaders meet in Geneva from May 21 to 26 for the World Health Organization's 65th General Assembly, introducing new vaccines in the low- and middle-income countries would be high on their agenda. A “global draft vaccine action plan”, available on WHO's website, details the implementation...
More »Popular antibiotic is bad for heart, may lead to death-Kounteya Sinha
An antibiotic that is widely prescribed in India to combat bacterial sinus infections and bronchitis has been found to be bad for heart. A study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Thursday, has found a 2.5-fold higher risk of cardiovascular death in the first five days of taking Azithromycin - commonly called Z-pack - compared with another common antibiotic or no antibiotic at all. Though it was previously considered...
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