Ten bonded labourers from Orissa, including three women, were rescued from a hollow block unit in Tiruneermalai near Tambaram on Monday. Staff from the office of the Revenue Divisional Officer, Tambaram, rescued them with the help of two non-governmental organisations with police protection on Monday morning. They were brought to Tambaram and handed certificates identifying them as “victims of forced labour” that entitled them to government rehabilitation funds. They were also...
Scholarship for 2 lakh students of backward areas in Assam by Sushanta Talukdar
Meritorious students from 27 districts to be covered this financial year Monthly pension of freedom fighters enhanced from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 8,000 The Assam government will provide scholarships of Rs. 2,000 each to 2 lakh meritorious students belonging to tea-tribe communities, the Scheduled Tribes, the Scheduled Castes, Other Backward Classes, as well as other communities living in the border areas, chars (sand isles of the Brahmaputra river) and other economically and...
More »Posco questions Naveen’s 90 pc job promise to locals by Debabrata Mohanty
Posco, whose mega steel project in Orissa’s Jagatsinghpur district hangs in balance after Ministry of Environment and Forests issued a stop-work order last week, has now questioned the Naveen Patnaik government’s plan to reserve 90 per cent jobs in the unskilled and semi-skilled category for “local people” for all upcoming industrial projects. A High Level Clearance Authority of the state government chaired by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik recently cleared a proposal...
More »Coimbatore to become an e-district soon by M Soundariya Preetha
Objective is to make the public “feel the Government and not to see it” Project cost for Coimbatore is about Rs. 2 crore Coimbatore will soon become an “e-district” with select services of four departments going online initially. Tamil Nadu E-governance Agency Director Santhosh Babu told The Hindu that Coimbatore was one of the six districts that would come under e-governance in the State soon. Revenue, Adi Dravida and Tribal Welfare, Backward Classes,...
More »“Fruits of progress have eluded the rural poor”
A higher order of political leadership, a transparent and accountable bureaucracy and activist citizen forums are imperative for effectively addressing hunger and poverty in India, N.R. Narayana Murthy, chairman and chief mentor of Infosys Technologies, said on Sunday. Addressing a policy forum at the international conference on “Eliminating hunger and poverty” hosted by the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), Mr. Murthy said the dark side of India's growth story had been...
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