-The Hindu New Delhi: It was to meet the commuting needs of the differently-abled, like Nitin (name changed) who is a wheel-chair user and resides in Vikaspuri in West Delhi, that low floor buses in Delhi were specially designed by a team of IIT-Delhi, Tata Motors and NGO Samarthyam. But with their Drivers and conductors often not bothering to stop for the disabled and those in need of assistance, the entire...
Economists on the Wrong Foot: a critique of Jagdish Bhagwati and Amartya Sen-Ashish Kothari and Aseem Shrivastava
-IndiaResists.com The ongoing debate between two stalwart economists, Amartya Sen and Jagdish Bhagwati, must be joined by those who understand contemporary realities and challenges in terms altogether different from those of mainstream economists. In a recent (July 27) article in Times of India, Bhagwati's co-author Arvind Panagariya characterizes the differences between the two in the following terms. Sen favours education and health measures as being the first steps to tackle poverty...
More »The deep water crisis -P Sainath
-The Hindu Hard-working rig-operators are providing a real response to a very real demand from farmers, but with grave consequences for groundwater supplies No other town can boast as deep a connection with the rest of the country as this little one in Tamil Nadu. Machines from here have struck great depths in most Indian States (and in many African countries as well). Tiruchengode is the nation's borewell rig capital and thousands...
More »Detroit is broke, Indian cities limping too -Surojit Gupta
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Drive to any Indian city. Chances are you will wade into chaotic traffic and roads full of potholes. You'll see choked drains, overflowing and smelly bins and streetlights that don't work. The reason for the mess isn't difficult to unravel. Most of our municipal bodies are cash strapped, unable to take care of the city's needs. The workforce is poor. Given the indifferent reputation of urban...
More »SC issues notice to Centre on recklessly parked trucks -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Monday sought the Centre's response after a PIL gave chilling details of thousands of motorists meeting gory deaths every year because of trucks and trailers parked without sufficient warning on highways, many carrying iron rods protruding out dangerously. 'SaveLife Foundation', an NGO, used the Right to Information (RTI) Act to collect details of fatalities resulting from collision of vehicles with these haphazardly...
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