-IndiaSpend.com Lawmakers from the Scheduled Castes and Tribes are confined mostly to the lower house's social justice committee, in which they have had more than 50% representation since 2009. Just eight of 27 Parliamentary committees meet or surpass the 25.4% representation of SC/ST members of parliament in the current Lok Sabha, our analysis shows. New Delhi: Few lawmakers from the Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) in the Lok Sabha are...
Collapse of healthcare system? Why 90% of Covid patients treated at home survived -Bobby Ramakant and Sandeep Pandey
-Counterview.net Well known Hindustani classical singer Padma Vibhu shan Channulal Mishra, chosen as one of the proposers of Narendra Modi in Lok Sabha elections, lost his wife and elder daughter to Covid in private hospitals in Varanasi. Younger daughter has accused Medwin Hospital of charging Rs 1.5 lakh for treatement of her sister and not being able to explain the cause of death. Pandit Channulal Mishra has asked for a probe...
More »Elected autocrats, their pandemic responses -Patrick Heller
-The Hindu In the U.S., India and Brazil, messianic populism, polarisation and insularity have made the pandemic that much worse A year and counting into the greatest health crisis the world has faced in over a century we can identify one overwhelming factor that separates the countries that have done relatively well from those that have been complete disasters:Autocrcy elected autocrats. By any measure the most dismal performers in the democratic world...
More »Six Months of the Farmers’ Struggle – Looking Ahead -Aditya Nigam
-Kafila blog The farmers’ struggle at the Delhi borders completed six months yesterday, the 26th of May. The day was observed as a Black Day all over the country, at the call of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM). Braving unprecedented cold, followed by rains and storm, the struggle has now moved into the cruelest part of Delhi’s summer. In the process, it has lost 470 of its people, thanks to the obstinacy...
More »‘Where Does All the Grief Go?’ 1,621 UP Teachers Die In Panchayat Polls -Aliza Noor
-Article-14.com Despite appeals not to deploy them for election duty in the midst of a pandemic, teachers were made to work, as the government went back on promises of safety. We spoke to families of nine dead teachers, dealing with the loss of wage-earners, grief, anger and fear Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh): “I lost my wife and my baby, who would have come into this world soon.” The voice of Deepak Agrahari, 30, was...
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