-The Hindu To allow a person to exit Aadhaar on reaching 18 The government will seek legal counsel on whether it can delete the biometric data of young people who choose to quit Aadhaar once they turn 18, UIDAI CEO and Revenue Secretary Ajay Bhushan Pandey told The Hindu. The Union Cabinet recently approved amendments to the Aadhaar Act, including a provision that gives a child, on attaining maturity (18 years), the power...
Every drop matters -Kevin James & Shreya Shrivastava
-The Hindu The regulatory framework must be reformed to ensure access to safe and sufficient blood A ready supply of safe blood in sufficient quantities is a vital component of modern health care. In 2015-16, India was 1.1 million units short of its blood requirements. Here too, there were considerable regional disparities, with 81 districts in the country not having a blood bank at all. In 2016, a hospital in Chhattisgarh turned...
More »Besides inconsistent data on coverage from different sources, target not achieved in case of PMKSY-Per Drop More Crop
How is it possible that we get different figures on area brought under micro-irrigation pertaining to the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)-Per Drop More Crop (PDMC)--a scheme which is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare? The dashboard (https://pmksy.gov.in/mis/frmDashboard.aspx) of PMKSY-Per Drop More Crop clearly shows that 11.25 lakh hectare was brought under micro-irrigation in the financial year 2017-18. Please check chart-1. Chart 1: Physical target versus achievement --...
More »New research sounds alert on iron overdose risk for women -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph Daily requirement for Indian women less than that assumed for fortification plans Millions of women across India may face the risks of consuming excess iron under current government policies on food fortification and nationwide iron tablet supplementation for women of reproductive age, new research has suggested. A study has calculated that the average daily iron requirement for Indian women is 15mg and not 21mg as currently assumed and cautioned that fortification...
More »Delhi govt plans to set up hostels for daily wagers -Atul Mathur
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Thinking beyond “rain basera”, the ordinary shelters for the homeless, Delhi government is now working on a proposal to set up working men’s hostels. Though at a conceptual stage, the hostels would provide dedicated beds to the working class in a dormitory with the provision of a community kitchen and recreational activities at a monthly rent of up to Rs 1,000, said sources. The hostels would be...
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