Over Rs.1,000 crore deposited Procurement process being monitored For the first time in India, the Madhya Pradesh government has directly deposited over Rs. 1,000 crore in the bank accounts of farmers against procurement of wheat in the last 25 days. This amount includes a bonus paid at the rate of Rs.100 per quintal. The direct deposit process aims at saving farmers from the clutches of middlemen and will be continued in the coming...
Need to bring farm work under modified NREGS: Gulati
Rising farm wages, which have a major impact on food prices, may force the government to devise a blueprint in which agricultural work is included under a widened ambit of a government's flagship job surety scheme, a key government official said. "We may need to come up with some sort of a special agreement for wage payment to beneficiaries working on farms since they are privately owned," Ashok Gulati, noted farm...
More »Pawar wants nutrition and food security to go hand-in-hand; takes no stand on GM
India still has a long way to go in achieving food and nutritional security, albeit the country has achieved record production with 5.4% growth in agriculture and allied sector. This was corroborated by Sharad Pawar, minister of agriculture and food processing, while addressing the National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign-2011 in New Delhi recently. "Record production with 235.88 Mt of foodgrains in 2010-2011 should not lead to complacency as we...
More »Farmers praying for no rain in states of Punjab, Haryana by Komal Amit Gera & Vikas Sharma
With the arrival of wheat in terminal markets, all is not well as the weather still hold the keys. The partly cloudy weather in two major wheat producing states, Punjab and Haryana, has the farmers worried. According to the Meteorology Department, Chandigarh — there are chances of light to moderate rainfall after a couple of days in few parts of Punjab and Haryana. Officials in Haryana Agriculture Department said rain was not...
More »A soldier rises against the government by G Vishnu
Anna Hazare has turned a simple idea into mass frenzy Jantar Mantar, one of the few places in Delhi where the government of India allows protests, is suddenly being termed as “India’s Tahrir Square”. On a hot summer day, over 600 people have turned up at the spot. Three young girls from an elite college in Delhi have appeared, wearing dark shades. “Is he the man?” one of them asks her friends....
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