-Outlook The UPA-II government spent nearly Rs 187 crore to publicise schemes under the 'Bharat Nirman' programme in the election year 2013-14. According to an RTI response by the Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity, the Manmohan Singh-led government spent Rs 186.98 crore in the election year 2013-14. Giving details of Bharat Nirman campaign of UPA-2, DAVP said in 2013-14, the election year, Rs 186.98 crore were spent whereas in 2012-13, the figure...
It is dedicated to learning and educating about the process and politics of policy making in the government, and to enable people to participate in this process so the policies and laws being formulated are in public interest. Sambhaavnaa aims to strengthen Indian democracy by holding the government accountable to the people and protecting their fundamental rights. It is committed to bringing this vision to the public policy making process...
More »Vidarbha widows await concrete steps by Modi on farmer crisis
-PTI Nagpur: Hundreds of farm widows from Vidarbha have huge expectations of a relief and rehabilitation package from the newly-elected BJP government at the Centre to combat the agrarian crisis in the region. Some widows who were indirectly a part of 'Chai Pe Charcha' on March 9 this year at village Dabhadi of Vidarbha region during the election campaign, have brought to notice core issues like cost, credit and crop failure resulting...
More »Narendra Modi plans multi-million dollar sanitation project to clean up 1,000 Indian towns -Vasudha Venugopal
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: The new NDA government under Narendra Modi is set to embark on an ambitious multi-million dollar sanitation project that seeks to clean up around 1,000 Indian towns besides eliminating manual scavenging as a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi whose 150th birth anniversary will be celebrated in 2019. Tentatively named the 'Mahatma Gandhi Clean India Programme', the project will start from three cities in Uttar Pradesh, including Modi's Lok...
More »Failed politics, winning economics -James Manor
-The Indian Express Contrary to conventional wisdom, the UPA lost despite an inclusive, growing economy. Economists have been busy telling us that the economy decided the election result. We heard it during the campaign and they have been at it again in their post-mortems. They are wrong. Consider some evidence. Most Indians live in rural areas. Elections are won and lost there. So for any government, it makes good electoral sense to look...
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