-The Hindu The Election Commission on Friday adjourned till November 11 the hearing on the complaint that Singhbhum MP and former Jharkhand Chief Minister Madhu Koda did not file his election expenditure account properly. There is also an allegation that he encouraged “paid news” during the 2009 Lok Sabha poll. Interestingly, one TV channel was paid Rs.1.25 crore to telecast news in his favour, according to an Income-Tax department report. The full...
PM calls for changes in laws to criminalize private sector bribery by Liz Mathew & Sahil Makkar
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that the government plans to strengthen anti-graft laws in India by making bribery in the private sector a criminal offence. “We are considering changes in our laws to criminalize private sector bribery,” Singh said, while speaking at the Biennial Conference of CBI and state anti-corruption bureaux on Friday. Singh also indicated that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) will continue as the premier investigative agency even after...
More »These other bills
-The Indian Express On at least 12 occasions, Kiran Bedi appears to have inflated her travel expenses while charging the institutions and NGOs inviting her for seminars, even as she used her own travel discount as a gallantry award winner — keeping the rest of the money for her own purposes. Bedi defends herself, saying that she was travelling less comfortably than she was entitled to, and using the money left...
More »Lokpal, fighting graft tops Govt agenda: PM
-IANS The task of ensuring transparency and evolving a mechanism to check corrupt practices had acquired urgency like never before, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Friday while stressing that the Lokpal bill was at the top of his government's agenda. The Prime Minister, addressing the biennial conference of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and state anti-corruption bureaus, added that the government welcomed inputs from civil society and NGOs on how...
More »Jayalalitha questioned in Indian court over corruption by Habib Beary
Prosecutors have begun questioning the controversial chief minister of India's Tamil Nadu state, Jayaram Jayalalitha, in a corruption case against her. She is accused of amassing huge amounts of wealth during a previous term as chief minister between 1991 and 1996. She denies the allegation. The case was transferred from Madras (Chennai) in Tamil Nadu to Bangalore, capital of neighbouring Karnataka state, to ensure a fair trial. Security was tight for her appearance. Known...
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