-The Hindu The film has nothing to do with Mullaperiyar dam, says producer-director Producer-director Sohan Roy on Wednesday moved the Supreme Court challenging the Tamil Nadu Government's ban on screening of his film Dam 999 in the State. Mr. Roy in his writ petition questioned the subjective satisfaction of the Chief Minister (on whose directions the impugned November 24 order was passed), arrived on by “narrow political objectives.” He said the order had...
Sad debate on poverty line by Arvind Panagariya
Watching the recent debate on the poverty line has been a depressing experience. As the debate unfolded, we witnessed self-righteous commentators engaged in a game of one-upmanship to prove that no one was more concerned for the poor than they, electronic media failing in its responsibility to inform the public simple facts and the Planning Commission proving itself incapable of communicating in simple terms the rationale behind its proposal either...
More »Grim predictions by G Srinivasan
India ranks a dismal 134 among 187 countries in terms of human development index in the UNDP's latest Human Development Report. Against this bleak backdrop, the bugle of caution is rightly sounded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in its latest Human Development Report (HDR), released in Copenhagen on November 2 jointly by Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt and UNDP Administrator Helen Clark. As the international community is busy preparing...
More »NHRC notice to Madhya Pradesh on missing workers
-The Hindu The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has issued a notice to the Madhya Pradesh Chief Secretary, returnable with a report in six weeks, on allegation that 40 labourers were not traceable after heavy cranes collapsed at an under-construction cement factory in Narsingarh village in Damoh district. The NHRC was acting based on media reports. The reports said that about 300 labourers, mostly from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, were working at...
More »A verdict, finally by Anupama Katakam
The first judgment in a 2002 riots case and the SIT report on the Ishrat Jahan killing go against the Gujarat government. THE verdict in a crucial and long-running case involving a massacre and the investigation report in another case, of alleged encounter killings, both delivered in November, give hope to victims of the 2002 pogrom in Gujarat that they will get justice, even if delayed. In the first case, the special...
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