-The Times of India MUMBAI: In an explosive revelation, a whistle-blower in the state government has said a staggering Rs 35,000 crore was siphoned off and wasted on dud irrigation projects in the past decade. The Maharashtra government has spent Rs 70,000 crore on such projects across the state during this period. Vijay Pandhare, chief engineer (water resources department) and member of the state-level technical advisory committee who wrote a stinging 15-page...
Arrest cops, politicians behind cartoonist Trivedi's ordeal, Justice Katju says
-PTI CHENNAI: Terming the arrest of cartoonist Aseem Trivedi in Mumbai a "serious criminal offence", Press Council of India chairman Markandey Katju on Monday said politicians and police officials behind it should be instead arrested and tried. "Because under Section 342 of the PIC, wrongful arrest and confinement are serious criminal offences ... If you are arresting a person who has not committed a crime, then you are committing a crime. So,...
More »The accountability of CAG-G Mohan Gopal
-The Indian Express Its report on the allocation of coal blocks is marred by a major legal error The legal fraternity celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court of India in 2000 with a book, Supreme, But Not Infallible. The unusual title of the book was a powerful way for the legal fraternity to remind itself, and the public, that the highest court in the land is fallible, that it can...
More »Funding at a snail's pace-Himanshu Upadhyaya
-India Together All the increased budgets for education in the country may not amount to much, if the States don't move the money fast enough to the intended uses, which is not happening now. Himanshu Upadhyaya reports. The Comptroller and Auditor General's recent performance review of elementary education in Tripura has once again brought to our attention prolonged delays in release of funds meant for schools. The performance review, of accounts spanning...
More »A battle half won -TK Rajalakshmi
-Frontline A study finds that institutional support alone cannot help reduce maternal mortality in India. THE high rate of maternal mortality in India has been a cause for national concern, especially on account of the focus on reaching the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals by 2015. Although there is a growing realisation that it will be difficult to meet the MDG targets by that deadline, there is a renewed interest in the...
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