-The Asian Age The AG assured the court that the law would be implemented across the country. New Delhi: Even as the Supreme Court on Wednesday asked the Centre, all states and Union Territories to implement provisions of the Food Security Act, attorney general K.K. Venugopal cautioned the court about issuing directions by expanding the scope of the petition relating to drought relief. A bench of Justices Madan B. Lokur and N.V. Ramana...
More money for social schemes in 2019 run-up
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Several social sector schemes, such as MGNREGA, housing, irrigation, education and connectivity, are expected to see a significant increase over the next two financial years as the government ramps up spending in key areas ahead of the 2019 elections. According to the medium-term expenditure framework statement tabled in Parliament by finance minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday, the Centre's total spending is set to reach Rs 26...
More »rural Distress: A farmer- and banker-friendly alternative to agricultural loan waivers -Sher Singh Sangwan
-The Indian Express The failure of populist rural credit schemes stems primarily from poor understanding of farm indebtedness in the first place. From the 1970s, a lot of private investment in tube-well irrigation, farm mechanisation and allied agricultural activities took place with bank credit support. After the establishment of National Bank for Agriculture and rural Development (NABARD) in 1982, institutional credit flows not only accelerated, but also exhibited diversification to fund livestock...
More »Swachh survey report contradicts minister's claim of 5 ODF states in rural India
-Hindustan Times None of the states had 100% access to toilets. Union minister Narendra Singh Tomar was in a spot on Tuesday when he claimed that rural areas in five states had become Open Defecation Free (ODF). But the findings of Swachh Survekshan, commissioned by the Union Drinking Water and Sanitation ministry, that he released, belied his claims. The survey conducted by the Quality Council of India (QCI) with 1.4 lakh households in 4626...
More »Progress, one girl at a time -Shiv Sahay Singh & Indrani Dutta
-The Hindu Why did the West Bengal girls’ welfare scheme win the UN Public Service Award this year? In 2014, Rehana (name changed), a 15-year old from a school in West Bengal’s Sunderbans region, was rescued from a red light area in Delhi. The Class IX student had been ensnared by traffickers who then sold her off in Kolkata. After being brought back, the local administration and a non-governmental organisation (NGO) re-enrolled...
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