-The Times of India LUCKNOW: A Lucknow bench of Allahabad high court on Friday ordered the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to probe into allegations of financial irregularities in MGNREGS in seven districts of Uttar Pradesh. Expressing displeasure over corruption in the scheme's implementation, the bench also directed the agency to hold preliminary inquiry into use of MGNREGS funds in other districts of the state. The court said the agency should conduct...
Malnutrition Poses a Real Challenge
-The New Indian Express There are two well-known sayings about statistics. One is that they are like a bikini, for what they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital. Another quote is: lies, Damned lies and statistics. Both of them are perhaps applicable to the latest figures released by the Union ministry of health and family welfare, for they show that life expectancy in India has gone up by...
More »UIDAI likely to start enrolment in more states
-PTI At present, UIDAI has issued 56 crore Aadhaar cards to residents against the mandated 60 crore so far The government is likely to allow on Thursday the Unique identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to start enrolments in areas other than the 18 states and Union Territories allocated to it for the purpose. According to an official source, the Cabinet Committee on UIDAI will discuss the proposal of the Planning Commission to allow...
More »When cities guzzle water-Himanshu Thakkar and Parineeta Dandekar
-CivilSocietyOnline.com More than 50 people, including tribal groups, social activists, water experts, ecologists, wildlife experts and academics, came together for a brainstorming workshop on ‘Dams coming up for Mumbai Region.' The meeting was organised by the South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People, Shramik Mukti Sangathana, and Jalbiradari. About 12 Dams are planned or are under construction to satisfy the increasing thirst of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). All these Dams...
More »How central Indian tribes are coping with climate change impacts -Aparna Pallavi
-Down to Earth Faced with crop losses because of erratic rainfall and extreme weather, tribal farmers of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh turn to bewar and penda forms of cultivation that keeps them nourished all times of the year, but government agencies are bent on rooting out these farm practices Hariaro Bai Deoria should have been a worried person this year-an untimely spell of rain late last October flattened her paddy crop, and...
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