A scam worth about Rs 8.81 crore has been detected in the Food Corporation of India (FCI) godown at Dumroan in Buxar district. While assistant manager of the godown Umakant Dubey has been suspended by senior area manager of FCI Sandipan Chattopadhyay, an FIR has been lodged with the Dumroan police station in this connection. According to Chattopadhyay, the FCI has been running two popular schemes -- Karif Marketing Season (KMS)...
In Gujarat, e-literate paanwala googles NREGS, stumbles on Rs 1-crore scam
A newly e-literate village paanwala's obsession with Google has blown the lid off a unique NREGS scam in Porbandar. The motley bunch of beneficiaries include affluent NRIs, doctors, government officials, teachers and well-off farmers — all shown as unemployed village labourers holding NREGS job cards. So far, the money siphoned off comes to nearly Rs 1 crore. On paper, there are 963 NREGS job cardholders at Kotda village in Kutiyana taluka...
More »Fresh press panel sought by P Sunderarajan
Editorial space being sold daily: Nayar Favours abolition of contract system “Newspapers becoming pro-establishment” Former Member of Parliament and veteran journalist Kuldip Nayar on Tuesday called for the setting up of a press commission to go into issues such as “paid news.” Noting that the last time a press commission was set up was in 1977, he said it was time for a fresh one in the LIGht of developments over the past three...
More »Commonwealth Games: a citizen's memoir by Krishna Kumar
The opening and closing ceremonies received wide acclaim but left many citizens like me a bit terrified and confused. Now that the terms of inquiry into the conduct of the Commonwealth Games have been extended, let us hope that the process of probe will be more open than was decision-making for the CWG. Let us also hope that the review will cover the opening and closing ceremonies as well, both in...
More »Himachal now insures wheat, barley crops
Himachal Pradesh has now brought wheat and barley crops under an insurance scheme to protect them from adverse climatic conditions, an official statement said Sunday. The National Agricultural Insurance Scheme will cover wheat and barley crops too across the state during the 2010-11 rabi season, said the statement. Earlier, maize, paddy, potato and ginger crops were covered. Likewise, the government last year initially launched an apple crop insurance scheme in Shimla and...
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