-The Hindu The Supreme Court on Friday indicated that it would examine the larger question of violation of fundamental rights raised by Bhim Singh of the Jammu and Kashmir Panthers Party in his petition against the preventive detention of Anna Hazare, and asked him to get the anti-corruption campaigner's consent to prosecute the petition. In his petition, Mr. Singh questioned the correctness of the Delhi Police in having taken Mr. Hazare into...
Court's case by V Venkatesan
ON August 3, the Chief Information Commissioner, Satyananda Mishra, delivered two important decisions directing the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) of the Supreme Court to answer certain questions about the functioning of the court to information-seekers in the manner they have sought it. In the first case, Commodore Lokesh K. Batra (Retd) vs CPIO, Supreme Court of India, the appellant had sought details about those cases pending in the Supreme Court...
More »Uniform & equitable by S Dorairaj
The Supreme Court directs the Tamil Nadu government to implement the uniform system of school education immediately. “Children are not only the future citizens but also the future of the earth. Elders in general, and parents and teachers in particular, owe a responsibility for taking care of the well-being and welfare of the children. The world shall be a better or worse place to live according to how we treat...
More »Correcting a practice by V Venkatesan
The apex court upholds an order allowing students to inspect their answer sheets but makes discomfiting observations on the scope of the RTI Act. IN 2008, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) rejected an application filed by a candidate under the Right to Information Act for the inspection and re-evaluation of his Secondary School Examination answer books. The reason cited was that the CBSE shared a fiduciary relationship with...
More »Anna Hazare's campaign has some positives too by Saubhik Chakrabartia
As per hallowed newsroom traditions, the bad news first. 1. We have a government and a ruling party that have displayed tactical, strategic, policy and moral incapacities. 2. We have a main Opposition party that, despite witnessing such government and ruling party incapacity, has displayed its own incapacity to do anything intelligent or meaningful. 3. We have a core group of agitationists led by Anna Hazare which has displayed, at best,...
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