-The Times of India Chief Justice of India (CJI) SH Kapadia on Saturday said the Supreme Court might have overstretched the human rights jurisprudence to include right to sleep in the bouquet of fundamental rights, as enforcing such a right would be very difficult. The CJI, who was delivering a lecture, also seemed critical of the civil society activists for questioning the authority of Parliament to make laws and by draping themselves...
Nailing the lie of the land-Medha Patkar
-The Hindu A few thousand representatives of various people’s movements from across the country have gathered at Jantar Mantar in the national capital. They are Dalits, Adiviasis, sections of unprotected working class including farmers and fish-workers but they all form one ‘biradari’ of those who live off land, water, forest. They are the ones who produce, distribute, build, operate, clean, sell, drive and do all that enable society to survive, proceed...
More »Service records of CAG not traceable: govt
-PTI The crucial service records of Comptroller and Auditor General Vinod Rai are not traceable with the Personnel ministry, an RTI reply has revealed. A Lucknow-based journalist had sought from the Department of Personnel and Training the service records of Rai which included certificate of selection in the Indian Administrative Service, appointment letter among other details. Responding to the queries, the Department of Personnel and Training said the files sought were not traceable. The...
More »Cash Transfers to cushion subsidy cut impact: IISD Study
-The Economic Times The economic and social impact of reduction in petroleum subsidies in India will be much lower than perceived if a cash Transfer system for directly subsidising vulnerable consumers is successfully implemented, studies commissioned by the Geneva-based International Institute for Sustainable Development have said. The government must, however, dismantle subsidies in a calibrated manner as vulnerable consumers will be able to adjust better if the under-recoveries are gradually eliminated, cautioned...
More »Resurgent agricultural sector to have larger share in economy-Vinay Pandey
-The Economic Times A change in the national accounts, slated to take place sometime in the next two years, will show that a resurgent farm sector is now the second biggest contributor to the economy, displacing manufacturing and financial services. The unexpected reversal is not just a statistical artefact. Instead it is an outcome of a change in the terms of trade, the price of agricultural produce compared to industrial output since...
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