— PTI He performed abortions well beyond five months into pregnancy A doctor in Maharashtra has been arrested for allegedly carrying out three illegal abortions, the police said on Sunday. Shivaji Sanap, who runs a private maternity clinic on Jalna Road in the city, has been booked under various Sections of the Indian Penal Code; the Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques Act; and the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act for performing abortions well...
The mothering effect-KumKum Dasgupta
-The Hindustan Times Rambai, a lean and sprightly 34-year-old, has never been the quiet sort. So when her neighbours at the Rokra hamlet were asked to choose a community health worker (CHW) — called Mitanin (friend) in Chhattisgarh — they knew that Rambai would be an ideal candidate. “We selected her because she could communicate well and interact with officials with ease, even though she has studied till Class 5,” said...
More »ICMR urges govt to make cancer a notifiable disease by Kounteya Sinha
India recorded 9.8 lakh new cases of cancer last year, an increase of about 80,000 new cases as compared to 2009. Top cancer scientists from across the country along with Union health ministry officials and experts from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) met at the annual review meeting of the National Cancer Registry Programme in Guwahati to discuss the worrying trend over the last two days. This figure was...
More »No birth certificate? That’s no hurdle to school admission by Rashmi Belur
Worried about admitting your child to school, since you do not have a birth certificate? Don’t worry on that score anymore — the state department of public instructions has provided parents a few options, and some other documents could not serve the purpose of the birth certificate. From this academic year onward, parents have five options that can be exercised, and schools are bound to accept these documents as proof of...
More »UPA 2 report card: Sustained improvement in disease control programmes
Sustained improvement in disease control programmes, specially tuberculosis, and perceptible improvement in rural health care are the highlights of the UPA-II's report card in the health sector. In the 'Report to the People' released here today by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the government said, during 2009-10, more than 36,000 village health and sanitation committees were set up, over 1,300 facility-based Rogi Kalyan Samitis were formed and over 53,000 accredited social...
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