-Down to Earth Farmers yet to be paid Rs 5,724 crore for claims made in 5 years since scheme launch The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (Crop Insurance Scheme) may have benefitted some farmers but insurance companies surely made the most of it. In the five years since the scheme was launched, these companies received Rs 1,26,521 crore in premium payments and paid Rs 87,320 crore to farmers in loss claims — a...
Modi’s Grand Insurance Scheme Prioritises Profit Over Farm Losses -Srishti Jaswal
-Article-14.com Over 3 years to 2020, as India’s farm crisis deepened, 18 insurance companies running Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s crop-insurance scheme rejected nearly a million claims. As pandemic and pestilence devastated farms, we reveal how the scheme’s complex fine print frustrates farmers and disregards individual loss Hisar, Haryana: As 2020 began, Haryana cotton farmer Ramandeep sensed it would be harsher than the previous years: the winter rains were scanty, withering his crop...
More »Don’t ignore the women farmers -Thamizhachi Thangapandian
-The Hindu The gender gap in the agriculture sector will only widen more with the current farm laws Eminent agriculture scientist M.S. Swaminathan once said, “Some historians believe that it was women who first domesticated crop plants and thereby initiated the art and science of farming. While men went out hunting in search of food, women started gathering seeds from the native flora and began cultivating those of interest from the point...
More »‘Make crop insurance a basic right for farmers’ -Rutam Vora
-The Hindu Business Line Farm leaders pitch for public sector entity for efficient and transparent settlement The dominance of private insurers, their lack of adequate on-ground physical presence coupled with opacity in settlements are some factors that have not helped the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) scheme take off on expected lines. With multiple gaps in the current crop insurance structure, experts have called for making crop insurance a basic right for...
More »Locusts push farmers to ‘cover’ crops -Rutam Vora and Vishwanath Kulkarni
-The Hindu Business Line Rajasthan sees big enrolment under PMFBY scheme this kharif The scare of desert locust attacks coupled with erratic rainfall in the early part of monsoon has pushed more farmers in Rajasthan to take insurance for their crops under the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) this kharif season. Sum insured Officials of the Rajasthan Agriculture Department said about 45 per cent more farmers have enrolled for the scheme this year...
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