-The Hindu Rain on Tuesday brought partial relief to Uttarakhand, where operations to put out forest fires continue on a war footing. Nainital: Showers were experienced in the higher reaches of Rudraprayag, including Kedarnath and Gaurikund. Parts of Uttarkashi, Chamoli and Pithoragarh districts also received light rain. “Light to moderate rain will be experienced throughout the State by Wednesday morning. This will continue for 72 hours,” Director of the Dehradun Meteorological Centre...
Scale of 2013 Uttarakhand disaster could have been lessened, says CAG report
As Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh fight the fury of flood caused by annual northeast monsoon, a report by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) on the natural disaster in Uttarakhand, which took place in June 2013, has been made available in the public domain recently. The CAG report discloses how various development activities in the state flouted guidelines issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Expert Committee on glaciers...
More »Uttarakhand government's slow response aggravated Kedar disaster, says CAG report -Gaurav Talwar
-The Times of India DEHRADUN: A performance audit report prepared by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) on the 2013 Kedarnath flash floods, which was tabled in the Uttarakhand assembly session at Gairsain on Tuesday, squarely blames the state government of the time for being unprepared and failing to learn from previous natural disasters. The report raps the state government for its slow response which it says actually aggravated the disaster...
More »Killing a country’s ecology -Colin Gonsalves
-The Hindu The Environment Minister insists on clearing all hydro projects, even when the government itself earlier agreed that the Himalayas must be avoided for development work. A battle of epic proportions between the hydroelectric power companies and the people of Uttarakhand has now culminated with the struggle shifting to the office of the Prime Minister of India. It began with the extraordinary and far-sighted 2014 decision of the Supreme Court in...
More »'Will you clean up Ganga in this term or the next?' SC to Centre
-The Hindustan Times For the second time in five months, the Supreme Court has pulled up the NDA government for the delay in cleaning up of the Ganga, a pet project of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Centre has now told the court it will finish the mega project to clean up the 2,525km-long river by 2018. Bringing up the slow progress on the three-decade-old Ganga Action Plan, the SC Wednesday wondered...
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