-The Hindu ₹3,976 crore spent during 2020-21; ₹100 cr promised for vaccine development not allotted The PM CARES Fund collected ₹10,990 crore since its inception in March 2020 until March 2021. It spent ₹3,976 crore during the 2020-21 financial year, according to the audited financial statement posted on its website. As on March 31, 2021, the Fund had an unspent balance of ₹7,044 crore. The Fund was set up to deal with “any...
PRIson Statistics Report 2020 Shows Govt’s Negligence of PRIsoners During the Pandemic -Saranga Ugalmugle and Ancy Susan George
-TheWire.in Contrary to expectations, the report shows that 40,000 more undertrials were held in PRIsons in 2020 than in 2019. Congestion in PRIsons in India came into renewed focus after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Courts took urgent measures to prevent the spread of the contagious virus in PRIsons, asking state governments to set up high powered committees to release incarcerated persons on bail or parole. As a consequence, it is...
More »MGNREGA demand dropped from June 2020 peak, but still higher than pre-COVID: Eco Survey -PRIscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu High demand in migrant destination States, not source States: it says Demand for work under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) scheme has dropped from the peak of the first lockdown, but is still higher than pre-COVID levels, the Department of Economic Affairs said in its annual Economic Survey, noting that this is “an indicator of rural labour markets”. However, it cautioned against drawing conclusions about the movement...
More »No State has reported starvation deaths, Centre tells SC -Krishnadas Rajagopal
-The Hindu Bench asks States to provide data on malnutrition, starvation deaths and other related issues within two weeks The Supreme Court’s questions on hunger deaths drew a near blank from the Union government on Tuesday. The government’s response skirted from urging the court to ask the States for data, making sweeping comments about malnutrition in “developing countries” to reading statistics out of a 2015 health survey report and a newspaper article. “Why are...
More »Row over regressive question in CBSE English paper -PRIscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu Passage blames ‘feminist revolt’ for teenage indiscipline Students, parents and national politicians have expressed outrage at the content of a reading comprehension passage in a Central Board of Secondary Education’s Class 10 English examination, held on Friday. When Anita (name changed) read the English question paper of her Class 10 Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) examination on Friday, she was shocked by the contents of the passage selected for a...
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