-The Indian Express The court also recommended that MSP be granted legal status by bringing in suitable legislation. Chandigarh: The Punjab and Haryana High Court Monday said the minimum support price (MSP) in the agriculture sector should be three times the cost of production of major crops to save farmers from distress. The court also recommended to the Union government and the Punjab government that MSP should be provided legal status,...
Fading fingerprints disconnect Aadhaar link for the elderly -Deepa H Ramakrishnan & SOFIa Juliet R
-The Hindu Senior citizens seek exception from registering biometrics in banks Chennai: Many senior citizens visiting banks for providing life certificate for pension and linking their Aadhaar numbers with bank accounts have been put to a lot of hardship. They complained that there was no common rule for banks and each of them was following whatever pattern their head offices had decided. Pensioners Herbert Clay, 69, and his wife Annie Clay, 63, had...
More »Removal of corporate contribution cap has hit transparency: CEC -SOFI Ahsan
-The Indian Express He added that the amendment means that companies are not required now to show the names of political parties they have contributed to. Chandigarh: Chief Election Commissioner Nasim Zaidi on Saturday said that amendments to the Companies Act of 2013, removing cap on corporate contribution to political parties, are “basically hitting” transparency in funding. “Two things are likely to happen in future. There would be less and less...
More »Why The Poor Are More likely To Be Undernourished -Nidhi Kaicker, Vani S. Kulkarni & Raghav Gaiha
-Outlook The poor are increasingly displaying food preferences for better tasting, flavoured and packaged foods but with low nutritional content. Renewed media hype about counting the number of poor was sparked by the recent release of the Socio-Economic Caste Census. While many analysts found the prevalence of poverty alarmingly high, others debunked the SECC report for its muddled and incoherent view of deprivation. An important contribution of this report, however, is the...
More »Fight against hunger too slow and uneven -Jomo Kwame Sundaram
-The Hindu The Millennium Development Goal of halving the proportion of chronically undernourished people in developing countries by 2015 is within reach. But progress must accelerate by the end of this year Almost 800 million people, or one in nine in the world, continue to suffer from hunger. The number of hungry people has declined globally by more than 167 million over the last decade, and by more than 200 million since...
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