-The Times of India The Gujarat high court on Wednesday quashed the charges of sedition that former Ahmedabad police commissioner O P Mathur had filed against The Times of India's Ahmedabad edition in June 2008. The court quashed all five FIRs, which accused the resident editor and the correspondent of inciting people against the police. The FIRs had been filed after TOI ran a series of investigative reports on Mathur's suspected underworld...
Repeal the Law of Sedition by Rajindar Sachar
One of the most shameful pieces of legislation in our penal code is the continuance of ‘Sedition’ in Section 124A of the Penal Code which provides that whoever excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards the government established by law in India shall be punished with imprison-ment for life. The expression disaffection includes disloyalty and all feelings of enmity. This provision was included by the British Government in 1870 as...
More »Prisoner of conscience by V Venkatesan & Ajoy Ashirwad Mahaprashasta
The trial court judgment holding Binayak Sen guilty of sedition has led to widespread outrage. IN India's legal history, no trial court judgment in a criminal case has perhaps caused as much international outrage as the December 24, 2010, judgment of the Second Additional District and Sessions Judge of Raipur, B.P. Verma, did. In his 92-page judgment, Judge Verma convicted Dr Binayak Sen, the well-known human rights activist and medical...
More »Binayak Sen moves HC against conviction, life sentence
Rights activist Binayak Sen has challenged in Chhattisgarh High Court the life sentence given to him by a local court after being convicted for sedition and links with Maoists, saying his involvement in the alleged crime was not proved beyond reasonable doubt. 58-yer-old Sen''s counsel Mahendra Dubey filed an appeal against his conviction yesterday, contending that after a thorough examination of the lower court''s judgement it has become clear his involvement...
More »Flawed evidence and conclusions by Madabhushi Sridhar
The sentencing of Dr. Binayak Sen involves unverified charges, and unreasonable and unconstitutional findings. The constitutional validity of the charges of sedition and conspiracy that were used to implicate rights activists such as Binayak Sen merely for their anti-establishment political thoughts needs to be challenged. The action ridicules the constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression. The sections of the Indian Penal Code that deal with “conspiracy to wage war against the government”...
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