-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Thursday stressed the need for a new law to regulate social media to curb malicious and defamatory messages circulated online. Expressing concern over misuse of social media and internet, particularly after the controversial section 66A of the Information Technology Act was scrapped by the Supreme Court, a bench of Justices Dipak Misra and Prafulla C Pant said Parliament should bring a new...
The ‘greatness’ of a ‘landmark’ judgment -Peter Ronald deSouza
-The Hindu The supporting props offered for the striking down of Section 66A diminish the arrogance of government and reinstate the ‘genuine' rule of law. Reading the judgment, one is tempted to ask this question: Is it a landmark judgment or just a great one? To appreciate the difference between "great" and "landmark", it is necessary to begin with some very fine distinctions. A great judgment is one that restores the constitutional...
More »Section 66(A) Scrapped: Meet Shreya Singhal, Petitioner Who Fought for Net Freedom -Deepshikha Ghosh
-NDTV New Delhi: The end of Section 66A, the controversial law that allowed arrests for offensive content online, marks a big victory for Shreya Singhal, the young law student who was among the first to challenge it in the Supreme Court. "I am ecstatic. It was grossly offensive to our rights, our freedom of speech and expression and today the Supreme Court has upheld that," Shreya told NDTV moments after the court...
More »Girl who saved free speech -R Balaji
-The Telegraph Shreya Singhal has helped undo what the UPA, the NDA and Mamata Banerjee had done to free speech. Shreya, the girl who once woke up with consternation to news that two girls in Maharashtra had been booked for a Facebook post, was the first petitioner who approached the Supreme Court against Section 66A, which was struck down today. Section 66A of the Information Technology Act has been the favourite tool...
More »Victory for team of young lawyers, activists -Rukmini S
-The Hindu ‘Liberty of speech, expression cardinal concepts of paramount significance in a democracy' Tuesday's verdict is a victory for a loose coalition of young lawyers, Internet activists and researchers who filed separate petitions but helped each other with backroom work and creating public opinion over the last two years. Among the young lawyers who argued the case is Mishi Choudhary, a technology lawyer and founding director of the non-profit, Software Legal Centre,...
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