-The Indian Express As per the data available with nodal officer Dinesh Singla, who is Executive Engineer, PPCB, a total of 2589 fire incidents have been reported in Punjab this paddy season till October 21 in which Amritsar tops with 535 cases, followed by Tarn Taran with 494 cases. Ludhiana: WITH JUST one-fourth of the total estimated paddy arrival in mandis till now, a total of 2589 fire incidents have been reported...
In Odisha's Single Window Clearance System, a Compromise for the Ease of Doing Business -Arpitha Kodiveri
-TheWire.in While synergising state and business interests through ‘single window’ mechanisms helps investors, it can compromise the role of regulatory agencies like the state pollution control board. On November 16 ,2017 Odisha chief minister Naveen Patnaik launched an online system called GO-SWIFT for supporting the state’s existing ‘single-window clearance system’. Odisha continues to be ranked high among different states in India on the ease of doing business index. It is part of a...
More »Delhi smog: Gulf dust storm had bigger role than stubble burning
-The Indian Express The study, released on Thursday, says that the dust storm was responsible for 40 per cent of the pollution on November 8, when the average air quality index was 478, indicating “severe” levels of pollution. BESIDES STUBBLE burning, a “multi-day dust storm” in Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia was the main cause of Delhi’s smog between November 6 and 14, according to a study by the System of Air...
More »Crisis is in the air -Darryl D'Monte
-The Indian Express Delhi has become world’s air pollution outcaste. Its decision-makers haven’t understood the consequences. The first thing that the Central and Delhi governments should own up to regarding the air pollution crisis is that everyone was forewarned and cannot pretend to be taken unawares. This “winter of our discontent” is the season when, as temperatures dip, pollutants hover around the surface of the city and do not waft upwards. Things...
More »Crop-burning could have been avoided this year, but finding money was a problem -Amitabh Sinha
-The Indian Express Rs 3,000-cr package discussed in September but states wanted Centre to pay, which said no budget Bonn: This season’s stubble-burning in north and north-western India, believed to be largely responsible for the heavy smog over Delhi, could have been avoided if the Centre and the states concerned had agreed on a formula to share the burden of a newly finalised financial incentive package to dissuade farmers from burning their...
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