-The Hindu Error is not in data but in government’s judgement: RJD MP Manoj K. Jha The Union government last week told the Supreme Court that the caste data enumerated in the Socio-Economic caste census (SECC) of 2011 was “unusable”, but in 2016, the Registrar-General and Census Commissioner of India had informed the Standing Committee on Rural Development that 98.87% of the data on individual caste and religion was “error free”. In its...
Hemant Soren meets Amit Shah seeking caste census
-The Hindu Absence of data has created difficulties in providing special facilities to BCs, says Jharkhand CM Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren, leading an all-party delegation from the State, met Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday to demand caste-based census and handed over a memorandum for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The delegation included leaders of nine political parties including the principal Opposition party BJP and ally Congress. “Along with members of the all-party...
More »Complex count: On caste census
-The Hindu A precise caste census is difficult, but the data will be useful to drive social policy The idea of a national caste census might be abhorrent when the stated policy is to strive for a casteless society, but it will be useful to establish statistical justification for preserving caste-based affirmative action programmes. It may also be a legal imperative, considering that courts want ‘quantifiable data’ to support the existing levels...
More »2011 caste census data unusable: Centre to Supreme Court -Utkarsh Anand
-Hindustan Times The Centre also told the court that it is also against collecting any information on castes or backward classes, other than Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, during the upcoming population census in 2022 The caste census conducted in 2011 is “unusable” for any official purpose on account of grave “inaccuracies” in its data, the Union government has told the Supreme Court, while adding it is also against collecting any information...
More »caste census of Backward Classes difficult: Centre -Krishnadas Rajagopal
-The Hindu “It has suffered, and will suffer, both on account of completeness and accuracy of the data,” an affidavit filed by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in the Supreme Court said. The government has made it clear in the Supreme Court that a caste census of the Backward Classes is “administratively difficult and cumbersome”. The Centre reasoned that even when the census of castes were taken in the pre-Independence period,...
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